Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lemur Teeth

           Lemurs are know for their rapid dental development. They use their teeth in a variety of ways including grooming and debris removal as a matter of personal hygiene. They possess a "toothcomb" made up of  canine and incisor teeth that aids them in eating and grooming.

          Many children who have lived in impoverished and violent neighborhoods soak up their negative surroundings. Some teenagers do not even expect to live until they are 21 years old. The negativity of their lives becomes debris in their hearts. That debris of hopelessness can be removed.

          A Mentor has a responsibility as a "debris remover." Hope can be sown in a young persons heart. Start with your words - do you paint a positive road map of future opportunity? Do you help young people explore their own unique talents? Your role as a Mentor is to identify, nurture, protect and empower young people to use their talents to become self proficient and accountable members of society.

Thanks for your time.
Go do something nice for somebody.
 Information and pictures taken from:

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