Monday, April 7, 2014

HOW to MENTOR Part Two

We hope your day is filled with heart smiles! In our last post on "How to Start Mentoring - Part One"  we told you about the "UGLY FISH SHARE" or personal interests inventory. We said we would share our UGLY FISH SHARE with you so here it is, enjoy and happy relationship building! 

Here are a few suggestions on how to use the Ugly Fish Share:
  • You pick and choose from among the questions, 
  • One good method of gaining information about somebody is the "Interview Method." Pretend you are a famous Talk Show Host like Bob Letterhead or Opera Winfred and conduct a humorous interview with your new mentoree. You both will smile!
  • If you find an ugly fish (topic that really interests your mentoree) GO WITH THE FLOW!
  • This is just an "Icebreaker" or "Get-To-Know-You" exercise. Build a relationship before you build rules.
Please contact us with any questions or suggestions:

The Mentor Force UGLY FISH SHARE 


Nickname, AKA, Fake Name or What do you want to be called?

What is your favorite restaurant? 

What was your most embarrassing moment? 

What is your favorite food?

What is your biggest fear? 

Do you have a favorite Bible story? 

If you could meet one person in human history, who would it be? 

If there was one thing you could change about your friends, what would it be?

What makes you feel sad, glad, mad or happy? (pick one!)

Do you have a pet rhinoceros or a dog, cat or fish?

Where would you like to travel?

Have you ever wanted to own a rocket-ship?

Do you have a favorite holiday?

Can we celebrate your birthday today?

Have you ever had blue hair?

What is your dream?

What have you done to make your dream come true?

Do you like school?

If you could be any animal, what would you like to be?

Have you ever been in a food fight?

What do you do when a friend cries?

If you could have a "Do-Over" what would it be?

Do you know what forgiveness is?

Have you ever kissed an ugly fish?

Have you ever been to a funeral?

If you could be any crayon in the box, which one would you be?

What famous person would you like to be?

Can you loan me a million dollars?

If you had a million and you won't give it to me, what would you do with it?

Should people who ride skateboards wear seat-belts?

Are there any dumb questions that you would like to ask me?

Thanks for your time. Go do something nice for somebody.
Bob Kuebler
Founder / Mentor Force

Mentor Force is an organization of initiators.
We help young people who are at risk of leading impoverished and violent lives.
We teach teachers, mentors and youth leaders how to build healthy relationships that make young people feel valued. Our goal is to ensure that every student has the benefit of being guided by a Mentor. If we can help you reach your potential as a Mentoring organization please contact us: 716-830-8240 or We do school assemblies and conferences.


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